Child labor has become a detrimental concern
over time because it destroys and damages the child’s future. It is a great
social problem in countries like India, Bangladesh, Mexico, Africa, and other
growing countries. Children are the future generation so they should have the
right to live it to the fullest and not be deprived of a carefree childhood.
Child labor affects children worldwide.The news and internet contribute to bringing awareness on this issue. While certain forms of work provide
many benefits, there are risks associated with hazardous work for children. For
instance, a working child must sacrifice his or her childhood, health, and
education for economic gains. The phrase "child labor" conjures
images of children chained into factories, sold as slaves, or forced into
prostitution. One may ask, what conditions or circumstances shape child labor
and what are its effects? How is child labor being combated today? Does new media have an influence on combating child labor? Varying from
country to country, there are various conditions and circumstances that shape
child labor, which has negative effects in the long-term. South Asian countries
such as Bangladesh and India have demonstrated origins of child labor such as
poverty, floods, illiteracy, family conflicts, and lack of information on the
importance of education throughout history. These countries have implemented
laws that are yet to prove effectiveness.